Exploring more closly what the spaces within the building could be. More specifically I began to look at how different learner within the school might use environments/facilities differently. I looked into Kinasethetic, Visial, and Aural Learners, creating a series of spatial concept drawings that defined each indivual space; thinking about the characteristics of each learner and the corresponding activities that would foster unique learning experiance for the individual.
typically a physical learning style using touch, action, movement and hands-on work in thier learning activities. Identifying possible activites that would allow students to develop according to their learning style.
using images, pictures, colour and other visual media to help you learn. Thinking about how this may reflect the spatial organisation of the space in addtion to the colour iused in the space to help the students visualise and work more effectivley
learning through the use of sound, rhyme and music, focusing on using aural content when visualising. Thinking about the role of communication in the aural learners environment. Places to sit and listen. The relationship of "teacher and student" within the school and aural expression through the medium of arts.
A combination of the different learning environments to create PROJECT SPACE that allows for different learners to work within a space specific to their indivual learning needs (Kinasethetic, Visial, and Aural). Abstracting lines and shapes that start to become walls to navigate around, lightwells and partitions between the different spaces. The next stage in the design is thinking about how these spaces will work alongside and influence the programe and activity use in the building.