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Movable walls and augmented furniture, flexible design to allow freedom within the space. Â Allows for extension in archive with addable walls.
Modular class rooms, allows for larger spaces and also intimate locations
Tschumi with three principles of organization which Tschumi classifies as points, lines, and surfaces.Organising the spaces within the building to allow for the transition of small to large spaces.
Allowing access to the site from Stretford Road and Bonsel Street as it acts as main transport route for buses and a transitional space for pedestrians.
A large space that can accommodate a large number of people for events and lectures.
Not having enough closed spaces to allow classes for a variety of subjects at once.
Both parts of the building act too separately from one another. So how might I re-nterpret the space for more intimate settings,
how will the walls be inserted/brought into the building to allow for expansion?
A way of maintaing the transitional space between buildings and public space within? What can integrate the too building together more?