In search for a moment of exchange, at the Kunstmuseum in Rotterdam became interested in the non-verbal exchange between the peice of exhibited art and the viewer of the work. I began to think of this unspoken dialouge of the artist through his works and paintings and how this might be interpreted by those that viewed it. The moment I chose to draw was one that showed peoples movement through the space and Kieth Haring opening up a dialouge, an exchange of knowledge through his works.
Diagramming the movement of people through the Kunst Museum, how the space was used by the poeple that visited it. First diagram highlights a threshold which controls the flow of people in and out of the space. The second highlights the different use of the space by different people. The students using the space as its orginal programme then others using it as a transitional space. The third and forth diagram highlights the change from and enclosed space to open.