Anarchist Free Schools of decentralized network in which skills, information, and knowledge are shared without hierarchy or the institutional environment of formal schooling. Typically ·for free schools to continue to have the biggest impact within the co-locality they must be allowed to bring in new ideas and challenge existing schools in areas where low standards have been accepted for far too long. In areas which suffer from social deprivation free schools offer an accessible education for all.
Primary Free Schools 2016
Existing Primary Free Schools
Existing Scondary Free Schools
The map above shows exsiting and soon to open free schools within the Manchester district. Currently free schools have seen a revival around the country with new schools opening up. Free schools are to offer a free and transparent admissions policy their students can be adults children or both.
There is a stark inequality of people with/without degrees in Hulme. Interestingly the least educatied areas are actually the closet to univeristy campuses. With such close proximity to universities why is there such a large portion of Hulme residents with out a degree despite the surrounding opportunities.
degrees over age 16
Locating a free school within the area Hulme, I aim to make education more accessable and to encourage, and promote education as a life long process, providing a space for the students to enable them to develop their own interests and passions.