Within the city and the built form, a began to look at possible anarchist aspects of architecture and what this could possibly be. Gordon Matta Clark celebrates the city in all its order, chaos, social variety and crazy juxtapostion. These voids that exist that pentrate through exisiting buildings, create an active public dialouge and a state of interaction. These moments of anarchy within a functioning system of the governement.
Gordon Matta Clark
A more conceptual idea of an anarchist city the Berlin Free Zone. This urban plan concept and idea of free space offers an area with no perscriptive function and no system of imposed behaviours. This moment of free space that allows for an environment for individuals to act without constraints of an enforced structure, they cn interpret a space according to their own free will, seperste from an institution that dictates what they can and can't do.
Lebbeus Woods
freedom for individuals to act without constraints
Reflecting on my design and drawing ideas from these concepts, providing a space for individuals to act freely and consciously of their surroundings. an environment for them to act autonmously chossing how and what they learn.